Client: Musée National Limoges
Project: Avant, Ici, Maintenant
Date: 2016
La mostra “Avant, Ici, Maintenant-L’expérience Non Sans Raison” è stata presentata al Museo Nazionale Adrien Dubouché a Limoges.
Attraverso un percorso scandito da tre sezioni, la mostra si propone di presentare la ricerca dell’azienda Non Sans Raison fra opere passate e presenti creando un incontro fra pubblico e il mondo della porcellana. Qui è stata esposta la collezione Végétal.
The exhibition “Avant, Ici, Maintenant-L’expérience Non Sans Raison” was presented at the National Museum Adrien Dubouché in Limoges.Through a path divided into three sections, the exhibition aims to present the research of the Non Sans Raison company between past and present works, creating a meeting between the public and the porcelain world. The Végétales collection was exhibited here.